Help for Hurting Partners of Sex Addicts

If your partner’s out of control sexual behaviors have caused damage to your relationship and deeply wounded you, we can help you navigate through this difficult time.

You didn’t cause it.  Some wives painfully blame themselves by mistakenly believing that if they were more attractive or had sex more often with their husband then he would not be tempted sexually elsewhere.  The truth is your spouse has an addiction he would struggle with no matter who he was married to.

You can’t control it.  Many wives develop a painful obsession checking their husband’s phone and internet for signs of another betrayal. The mistaken belief is that if he knows he is being monitored he will not hurt you again. The truth is no matter how much he loves you, he may be powerless to stop his addictive behavior without professional help.

You can’t cure it.  Some wives emotionally exhaust themselves trying to “fix” their husband’s problem. The truth is he is the only one who can take steps out of the addiction. He has to work at his own recovery and you have to work on your own recovery from the emotional trauma you have suffered in the relationship. We will help you learn how to support his recovery without being responsible for it.

We offer:

  • Support for the wounded spouse
  • Practical tools to overcome the pain
  • A roadmap to personal recovery for the spouse
  • Education about Sexual Addiction and the recovery process for the addict
  • Opportunity to process your experience in both group and individual therapy
  • Couple’s session (if appropriate)
  • Help in clarifying boundaries
  • As Christian therapists we include God in the process of healing.

How we can help:

Individual counseling for sex addicts and their spouses. Resources to help spouses.

Group therapy for wives of sex addicts scheduled once a week.  Groups for Wives

Expedition 3-Day Intensives are available for you and your partner . More information.

It is essential for you to get support in order to heal from the deep betrayal and pain that you’ve experienced.