Contact Us

We schedule appointments after speaking by phone to understand your needs. Please leave a message at 619.298.8722 x101 for Aaron J. Reinicke, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist. He will call you to briefly but sensitively explore your needs and determine if Reinicke Counseling can be of help to you. He will also gladly answer any questions you have about W.I.L.D. hikes, upcoming workshops or about scheduling a speaker at your event.
If you are looking for a therapist you saw at Reinicke Counseling in the past please click here for their contact information.
While the fastest way to connect with us is by phone, you can also send an email using the form below. For changes in scheduled appointments please call 619.298.8722 x101 so the message is received immediately.
Contact Information: For internal use only. We don’t share your information.