Scheduling and Fees
Scheduling: (Please scroll to bottom of the page for information on fees)

Please call Aaron J. Reinicke, Licensed MFT at (619) 298-8722 x101. He will briefly but sensitively explore your needs to determine if we can be of help. Leaving a voicemail message is the quickest way to connect. But, you can also email your information below for us to phone you. For changes to scheduled appointments please phone so the message is received immediately.
Dr. Melinda Reinicke, Psychologist, is not currently seeing clients while she completes some writing projects.
The fee for a 50 minute psychotherapy session is $210 (individual, marital or family). Reduction in fees is considered in some cases. Group therapy $75 a session. We ask that you pay for services at the time of each session. For your convenience, fees can be paid by credit card, check or cash in our offices.
We do not do insurance billing, but will provide you with a superbill which you submit to your carrier for reimbursement to you. You will need to determine your plan’s coverage and are responsible for your fee even if insurance denies your claim. For questions to ask your carrier, please see Confirming Coverage for Mental Health Counseling. PPO plans often cover us as out-of-network providers. HMO plans such as Kaiser do not cover our therapists and we are not Medicare or Medical providers. Filing Insurance Claims gives you helpful information about submitting our superbills to your carrier.