Sexual Addiction Specialists
We’re committed to integrating the truth of Christianity with the best of psychology. Our comprehensive treatment for sexual addiction includes individual and couples counseling. We also have group psychotherapy for men and for wives of men struggling with sexual addiction. In addition, we offer 3-day Sexual Recovery Intensives. Members of our sexual addiction treatment team are trained by Dr. Patrick Carnes, the foremost expert in sexual addiction treatment in the world and five are Certified Sexual Addiction Therapists (CSAT).

What does our CSAT certifcation mean?
Dr. Patrick Carnes developed the CSAT® (Certified Sex Addiction Therapist) program after years of extensive experience and research in the field of addiction therapy. It is the industry standard for Sexual Addiction professionals. The program includes over 160 hours of training and 30 hours of supervision along with semi-annual continuing education courses to keep therapists up-to-date on the latest developments in the field.
Call us today at 619.298.8722 x101.