Pastors and Missionaries Counseling
Resources for Pastors

A pastor has unique stressors that we understand. You are a spiritual leader, servant, CEO, theologian, motivational speaker, counselor and more.
Reduced fees for pastors to see us.
- Schedule a session for yourself where you can confidentially discuss whatever’s on your heart. Pastors tend to be very hard on themselves and need a counselor who can give them objective feedback, practical solutions and spiritual encouragement.
- We understand the pressures on a pastor’s spouse. Come for yourself or as a couple for counseling.
- Pastors’ kids have it tough. One of your kids probably knows how to push your buttons in ways no one else can. Family therapy can help you get past those stuck places.
- Schedule sessions for yourself together with that difficult staff member.
- Invite us for team building at a church staff meeting or retreat. Sparks from iron sharpening iron shouldn’t burn down the church, but build it up.
No Charge Phone Consultation for Pastors
Call us for input over the phone on counseling you are doing with people in your congregation. Maybe you just need to talk some ideas through with an adviser before you sit down with them again. Often we can recommend books or email you resources.
Reduced fees for your Missionaries on home furlough or on the field
They have all your stressors as a pastor plus frontline cultural challenges. We have been counseling missionaries for many years and feel it is a deep privilege to come alongside these servants. We specialize in brief trauma recovery for those who have survived violent and terrifying events on the mission field. Individual, marital, and family counseling is offered to missionaries at a reduced fee. Send your missionary families back to the field with renewed strength. Friends of missionaries can make tax deductible contributions for these services to LifeSpring Center. Financial gifts also provide funds for our therapists to travel to other countries to minister to missionaries on the field. Read more about counseling for missionaries.
Make a Tax Deductible Contribution to our non-profit LifeSpring Center for financing these services to missionaries and pastors. God bless you!
You can donate through Paypal below
or Make checks payable to:
LifeSpring Center
2333 Camino del Rio South, #250
LifeSpring Center is a non-profit 501 (C)(3) organization.